Impossible For America To Win World War III

The spin-off consequences of the BREXIT vote will lead to the isolation of America from its key allies. As this article postulates, BREXIT has started a chain of events which will make it impossible for America to win World War III and even without war, the American economy will be pushed over the cliff.
Germany, France and Italy’s Motivation to Leave NATO.

     <<impossible for America to win World War III>>The American economy has been on the decline for some time now, and will tank all on its own! The US can NOT win another war, because Russia is now the world’s superpower, far above US strength, thanks to Obama! It will not matter, when Trump makes friends with Putin. Together they will bring peace to the world! df

Germany may be a staunch supporter of NATO on the surface, however, the Germans are playing both ends against the middle. Germany previously threw its support of Putin when he put boots on the ground in Syria to fight the CIA created ISIS. 

     <<Germans are playing both ends against the middle>>It does not matter in the least what Germany does! The Russians have already started to destroy ISIS! When Trump is in office, he and Putin will easily destroy them along with all terrorists! df

Germany is on the edge of leaving NATO, all they need is a little push from Russia. The United States has responded with shipping its most modern nuclear weapons to Germany two years ago in response to this fear. At the end of the day, it will not make any difference.

     <<leaving NATO>>Doing this will be against NATO! The US should stay out of the situation! But no, we have to interfere! Again Obama! df

If NATO were to go on the rocks in a post-BREXIT world, the U.S. has a very narrow window from which to launch an attack upon Russia to counter Russian moves in Syria, its growing threat to the Baltic states and its newly forming partnership with Germany which serves to undermine NATO. 

     <<attack upon Russia>>Why do we always think, we should attacked Russia? If we did, we would lose! They are much bigger and stronger than we are! The US is in decline! Obama has made sure of that! Trump will change all of that; he will make friends with Putin! Putin is no threat  to the Baltic states! Yes he will take them under his wing, as he did the Crimea, but he has no plans to “conquer” them! df

This is clearly what the previous shipment of nuclear missiles to Germany was all about, and this increases the possibility that the war will be a case of happening sooner, not later. Certainly, NATO’s provocations by holding numerous war games at various points on the Russian border is an attempt to get Russia to respond and appear to be the aggressor nation should World War III breakout.

     <<appear to be the aggressor nation>> again I say, Trump and Putin will be friends; there will be no war between us! df